Policy in relation to students


Each year, the Doctors for Mozambique Foundation (DfM) awards study grants to students who are eager to follow medical training but who do not have the financial means to pay for the 7-year course, nor is their family able to help them. The foundation only supports students who are both talented enough and sufficiently highly motivated to be able to complete this demanding course offered by the Universidade Católica de Moçambique (UCM) in Beira.

Who qualifies

  • Students who have studied the right subjects at school (exact sciences and English) and who have gained sufficiently good marks in those subjects (an average of > 14)
  • Students who have sufficient motivation to complete the 7-year medical training
  • Students who are not able to finance the training themselves and whose family is also unable to help
  • Preferably, students who come from the more rural areas

How to apply

The application process can commence in the 11th and 12th grades (age 17 – 18). Information about the candidate and the marks he/she has attained so far are forwarded to us. School directors inform the parents about our programme. Before the application process can go any further, the parents must give their approval.

In addition, the candidate must send an email (in English) to gittavdmeeren@hotmail.com with the following documents attached:

  • A letter explaining why the candidate wants to follow medical training
  • An explanation of the family situation and the financial circumstances
  • A letter of recommendation from the director of the secondary school
  • Certificates from the 10th and 11th grades

As soon as the candidate has the results of his/her final school exams, he/she sends us the certificate.

Selection procedure

  • In October, DfM draws up a preselection list of candidates.
  • At the end of January, DfM organises a selection weekend, during which candidates take a knowledge test and a capacities test, as well as participating in a programme that tests their motivation and social skills.
  • The final selection is made via a process of mutual consultation between Gitta van der Meeren and Mauane, a member of the UCM teaching staff and the local project leader.
  • DfM and students sign contracts and rules of procedure.
  • Registration with UCM.

Support during training

  • Throughout the 7-year training course, DfM pays the tuition fees directly to the university.
  • For those who need it, DfM also pays a monthly contribution towards living expenses of MZN 2500 (2012).
  • Help with finding accommodation, where necessary.
  • Group meetings with padre Fidel, UCM pastoral worker, every two weeks.

Student obligations

The student must:

  • open a BIM bank account and an email account;
  • write an article introducing himself/herself for publication on the website (with photo);
  • inform DfM via email of all test results;
  • be an active member of the DfM student group that participates in UCM social activities;
  • inform DfM via email about his/her social activities.

Conditions attached to retention of grant

  • Six-monthly evaluation by DfM of study results and living conditions.
  • Failing 3 blocks means repeating the year and leaving the programme.
  • DfM assesses each student’s situation on an individual basis.

Following qualification

  • Once the student has successfully completed his studies, he/she repays 50% of the grant he/she has received to DfM in instalments, so that the foundation is able to support more students in their medical training.
  • The newly qualified doctor is required to work for a minimum of 2 years in a rural area.


DfM reserves the right to make exceptions in individual cases

Adopted in the Board meeting held on 19 December 2012.